Tuesday, 22 December 2020

My Hana Kōkō Design

 Today I have carried on with yesterdays task and that was My Hana Kōkō Design.

First I watched the video for the instructions then thats when I started to design.

Next I watched the last two videos then I was done with my design.

Later I wrote what my design was called and who was I was inspired from. I didn't write the answer for  was it something in your town or city because I wasn't sure what to write.

This was a fun activty to do because you get to do your own design.

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong?

Today I have carried on with yesterdays task which one doesn't belong? 

First I made copy of the slide then i watched the video to what do. 

Next I wrote some reason of which one doesn't belong and why.

After I got 4 images of my own so I can challenge others to think and respond by on my blog.

This was fun activty to do because at then we get challenge others.

Friday, 18 December 2020

Haiku Poem

I did a another activty called a Haiku poem for the Summer Learning Journey.

The first thing I did was watched the video to what to for the Haiku poem task.

Next I did a background that relates to my poem then I did the sentences.

After I made a copy of the template. The first sentence was the five syllable also the second sentence had seven syllable. The last sentence had 5 syllables.

This was a fun activty to because I learnt how to do syllables in a sentence.

Rise Up

 I have carried on Rise Up activty for the Summer Learning Journey.

First I watched and listened to the video to see what to for this activty.

Next I made a copy of the template and wrote some of my own lyrics to the chorus.

My lyrics are about never giving up and doing your best in everything.

I really like this activty because we get write your own words to the song. 

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Step It Up Kowhaiwhai

 I did a step it up on the Kowhaiwhai.

First I read on the Summer Learning Journey to see what was different from the kick start and the step up.

Then I was thinking of what I'm gonna create for this activty I made some of my kowhaiwhai pattern face each other and some not facing each other.

I really like this task because I got to use a different pattern called a Kape.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Optical Illusion

I carried on with a another activty called Optical Illusion for the Summer Learning Journey.

The first thing I did was watched the video to what to do after I changed the background to black. Then I  also duplicate each circle. After I did it to big circles to small.

I enjoyed this because I learnt optical illusion.

What are you doing today?

I did a another activty for the Summer Learning Journey the activty that I did was What are you doing today?

First I watched the video to see what do for this task.

Then I did the five slides of the Maori sentences. I learnt kei te haere au ki te that means what are you doing today.  It was also kind of hard for slide 4 because we had to listen what the man is saying I didn't really understand but now know.

This was really fun because I learnt new words like kaukau that means swim.

KowhaiKowhai Pattern

Today for the Summer Learning Journey I did a activty called KowhaiKowhai.

First I watched the video to see what to do.

Then I made a copy of the template to create my own KowhaiKowhai Pattern. Then I got my idea of what to do for the template.

I enjoyed this because we get do our own pattern of the KowhaiKowhai Pattern.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Commenting | Summer Learning Journey

 I have complete day one task two for the Summer Learning Journey for this task it was quality commenting.

First I went on the Summer Learning site to what to do for this task.

Then I went on students blog post and I commented on one of their activity.My comment is thoughtful, positive, helpful

I really enjoyed going on Mercy blog to comment on. Here is a link on where I comment on her blog post Link

Insect Art | Summer Learning Journey

 Today I did a another activty for the Summer Learning Journey for this task I did Insect art.

First I got sticks, Leaves, Petals, I used those materials to create my own insects.

After I put the leaves together so it looks like a wing and sticks on it and petals I named my insect Sky fly.

This was fun to do this task because we get create our insect.

Fishy False Teeth| Summer Learning Journey

Today I did a new activty from the Summer Learning Journey the activty was Fishing False teeth.

First I listened to the video to see what to do for this task.

Next I read the text about the story and I also wrote the answers for the template that I did.

After my other task was to watch the video and guess what there saying then I started on my comic and wrote what I think they're saying.

I really like this task because the comic was fun to write your own words on the template.

Monday, 14 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey

This week for the Summer Learning Journey my group and I did a activty to find different materials for a experiment.

First my group looked around the class room to get the materials we need for our experiment and I also did a video of showing our materials that we got and a another video of the scavenger hunt.

Then my group took pictures of the stuff we got and we also did a slide of what we did.

I loved this activty because it was fun doing a scavenger hunt.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Kick Start

First we started a kick start for our Summer Learning Journey. The activity we did was colouring original photos. 

Next we found some original drawings to colour in, we also used our own colours. I used these different colours because I wanted to look different from the original drawing .

After I took a photo of the original drawing and the drawing that I did too.

I loved this activity because we get to use our own colours. 

The original drawing and the one that I did is down below.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Te Ika a Maui

This week we have been translating Maori place names.

First activty we did was Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland. We translated the words in Maori to English and matched them to the right word.

Afterwards we marked our work with Whaea Odie and I got some right.Then we did another activty and it was called Te Ika a Maui (North Island) where we had to match the meaning in the boxes.

After we went to check our work with Whaea Odie I also got some words right.

I liked this because I got to learn about new places and what they mean.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Fractions of sets

Fractions are one whole thing divided into equal pieces.

Fractions have two parts, The numerator, and the denominator. The denominator tells the size of the fraction. The numerator shows how many pieces there are.

An example is five eighths (5/8) the fractions size is eighths, so the denominator is eight. There are five pieces,so the numerator is five.

See below for examples.

Friday, 27 November 2020


I learnt about fractions. I learnt fractions by cutting a cup into halves and eighths.

Our second task was making one google slide by our self. That shows or explained quarters and eighths.

The numerator is the top number couloum that was left over for you. The denominator is how many objects that were cut in the first time.

I enjoyed learning fractions.

Maori Objects

 We watched a performance that was did by a Kapa Haka group. 

The first thing that happened was them doing an entrance ceremony. They used a conch to let the people notice them coming in. The Kapa Haka group introduced three weapons then they used in a dance.

After that Kapa Haka group finished doing the haka the our school Kapa Haka group did the haka. After all that we played a game called Matau-Maui. There is more information about Matau-Maui.

I enjoyed the performance and my favourite part was the part when they introduced the poi.

Two and Three man settles

 We carried on practising three man settles and two man settles.

First we practised two and three man settles.To get ready for a games of touch.Coach Mark told us to aim one person when we drive the ball down the field.

Next we played a game of touch. The game was for learning how to play and how to used a two and three man settles

I did well with the two man settles with my partner Mahdi. But I need to practise passing the ball to my partner.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Emergency shelters

 Resource Requisition | Inquiry 

 All natural disasters start from bad weather. The materials that are suitable against a volcano eruption are: steel door, chicken wire, aluminium sheets, and concrete walls.

The steel door was to get in and out of the shelter when a natural disaster starts or finishes. This material has been chosen because steel is strong. 

The concrete walls are out for the base of the shelter and the roof.  This material has been  chosen to protect against lava because it provides a strong foundation for an emergency shelter. 

The aluminium was used for the inside layer to stop lava from coming in.  This material was chosen because aluminium is strong. 

The chicken wire was used to hold the shelter together and extra protection against lava. 

This material has been chosen to protect against volcanic eruptions because it can give the structure more protection and strength against lava.

Lots of materials can help protect against different types of natural disasters.  

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Volcanoes Names

This week I did a activty about Auckland Volcanoes.

The first thing I did was translating the words in Maori to see which mountains that matches with words in English. For example Maungawhau is Mount Eden.

After I went to the mat we used these cards to learn new words when Whaea Odie say Kei hea te kupu that means pass me the card.

I enjoyed this activty because I learnt a new words like Kei hea te kupu.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Maori Names

This week we learnt different names in Maori and English.

First I wrote the answers to the names that I know in Maori, the names that I did not know I searched it up on the Maori dictionary.

Next we went to the mat to learn our left  (Maui) and  (Matua) right.

Lastly I went to get my Maori names checked and I did okay.

I enjoyed this because I got to learn new names.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Duffy Theatre-Bex meet Milly

 We watched a performance by Duffy theatre group about the coggen. A coggen is a mythical creature that is a mixture of a cat, dog, and chicken.

Before the show, the actors introduced themselves. Then we sang a Duffy song.

Then the actors performed for us.

lastly the duffy group held a question and answer session.

I enjoyed the performance and it was fun


This week we learnt new names in Maori.

First I used a Maori dictionary to search up the names then I got some of the meanings of the names in Maori and then I put them next to each other.

I also learnt new words in Maori ,the words that I learnt was in front, behind, left, right, In and out.

After I went get my Maori names marked on the mat with Whaea Odie to see if they were correct.

I enjoyed this because I learnt new names in Maori.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Fractions and Halves.

A fraction is  a whole thing cut into equal pieces.

A half is a whole thing cut into two equal pieces.

Here is a example of fraction halves.

LI: to define fraction.

Thursday, 15 October 2020


 This week we learnt body parts in Maori.

Then we did a task called the Te Tinana we had to highlighted the body parts blue that we knew. The ones we didn't know we used a Maori dictionary.

After this we learnt how to count hundreds in Maori and we also learnt new words.

I enjoyed this because I learnt new words in Maori. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020


Division is sharing objects among a number of group evenly.

For example  12 counters were shared with 4 people in a group, Then everyone was given 3 counters each. 12 ÷ 4 = 3.

The slides below show 3 division questions.               

Friday, 25 September 2020

Safety Plan

This week for this task my group and I did a safety plan about fire and smores.

Then we chose a location and the class level then we did the number of students.

After we wrote what are the causes that things might go wrong if we were doing smores in real life and the hazards or risks it can cause to people and the environment.

Then we wrote four hazards.After that we wrote down the consequences then we did emergency plan if someone gets burned.The last thing we did was how we could prevent it and what to do in case something happened.

Governing Topics

Governing topics or policies are actions that political parties want to put into action when they get into power. The 2 most important governing topics to me is community inclusions and health.

Community and inclusion means people trying to get fair treatment.

Health means keeping people safe and healthy from not spreading germs.

Community and Inclusion are important to me because there are people that need fair treatment. Health is also important to me because I want my family and myself staying healthy.

LI: to chose important governing topics by summarising all topics.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Making Connections

There are three different connections. Those three different connections is Text to self, text to text, text to world.

Text to self is making a connection from you.For example in the story of the gruffalo the fox was scared of the gruffalo my connection is I'm scared of big animals.

Text to text is a connection from a book that you read or a movie.For example In the story of the gruffalo the mouse is brave my connection is aquaman because he was also brave.

Text to world is a making connection to the world that could happend in real life. For example In the story of the gruffalo the mouse was good at tricking the animals my connection was people could trick each other.

LI: to identify and describe connections

Wednesday, 16 September 2020


Multiplication has three parts of a number sentence those three parts are number of groups, group size,final amount.The number of groups means how many group there are and the group size means how many things in a group the final amount means how many things are all together.

Friday, 11 September 2020


This week for reading I did fact and opinion and i also did character trait.

The fact and opinion was about finding four facts and from the book. A fact is from the book because it happend an opinion is something that you think in your head.

The character trait was about filling boxes with information about the characters and also use some adjectives to describe more about the characters.

I enjoyed these task because I learnt about the characters.
LI: To infer

Setting Description

A setting is the environment in a story. It can include what it smells, sounds, feels, and looks like

When describing what a pace looks like, it needs to include adjectives such as dirty, Clean, Fresh etc. 

When describing what a place sounds like, it also needs to include adjectives like quiet, loud, and etc.

To describe what a place smells like it needs to include adjectives as rotten, clean, and etc.

To describe what a place feels like it needs to include adjectives as Rough, bumpy, uneven, etc.

This strategy can help people get a picture inside the readers head as they connect with the four senses.
LI-To write a setting description

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Assess Likelihood

We learnt about assessing likelihood. The 5 potential risks are: low, likely, possible, elevated, and extreme.

First we rated the situations from 1 to 5 of the risk. As a group we discussed what level we thought fit the situation.

Next we wrote down multiple consequences on what would have happened.

After that we made our own situations that are related to that risk level.

We enjoyed this task and it was also hard to make our own situations.

LI: to assess the likelihood 

LI: to assess consequences

Friday, 4 September 2020


 I learnt about hazards and risks. In a group we thought of risk and hazards for 4 categories. 

For this category the hazards was playground, scissors, ruler and paint brush. Some of the risks are tripping over, cutting yourself, hitting yourself and getting paint on yourself.
For this category the hazards was fire place, plate, trampoline, and washing machine. Some of the risks are burning yourself, dropping the plate, water coming, and spraining your ankle.
 The hazards were tennis ball, cricket bat, discus, and rippa belt. Some risks are getting hit, hurting yourself, breaking something, and falling.
 The hazards were rocks, lightning, pothole, and a plane. Some risks are tripping over the risk, getting struck by lightning, falling into a pothole, and crashing the plane.
For this task it was kind of hard to think of a hazard and a risk but this was fun task.
LI: to demonstrate prior knowledge.


A character description is about visualising.Visualising means creating an image inside the head.

When describing people include 3 main parts. Appearance,Experiences, and personality.

appearance is what they look like, Experiences is what they do and personality is how they act.

In a character description, people use literal and figurative language. Literal language goes straight to the point. Figurative language means to unlock or find the meaning.

L.I.To write a character description,

Thursday, 3 September 2020


Visualising is a strategy of creating an image inside your head.

The grufallo is about creating an image inside of your head to see what it look like and for the mouse,snake and owl.

The nogard is also about creating an image inside of your head. The instructions help me create an image inside my head.

Monday, 10 August 2020

4 Timetables

Multiplication is an easier way to count a lot of the same number.

This week we did four times tables these slides show a of the four times tables the we completed.

Multiplication is like grouping numbers and skip counting.

LI: to learn about our timetables.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Figurative Language

This week we learnt about figurative language.

Figurative language is a sentence with a hidden message.

The first thing we did was a simile. A simile is a comparison of  two things using "like or as".

 The next slide we did was Hyperbole. A Hyperbole is exaggerating to show strong feelings or effect.

After that we did metaphor which means two things are compared without using "like or as"

Later we did Personification which is giving human traits to objects or ideas.

The last one we did was understatement.

L.I. figurative language

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Kiwi Sport: Swiming

Today I practised my water safety skills at the Lagoon Pools.

The first skill I practised was gliding. To do gliding I did a big push when my face was in the water and my arms were out in front of my head in a straight body.

Then I practised to dive through the hoop. To do it well I put my arms behind my head then I went through the hoop.

Later I practised to float on my back.  I floated on my back and I kicked while I was floating on my back.

After I practised rotation from front to back. To do rotation from front to back you put  your face in the water and then roll to your back and kick.

I got better at gliding but I need to improve arm strokes.

L.I. develop knowledge of water safety.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020


Today I learned how to make tangrams. I rearranged the pieces to make animal shapes.

 First I made a square piece of papaper because tangrams are made from a big square.

Then I folded the square into various shapes and cut them out.

Lastly, I tried to make different animal shapes from the tangram pieces.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020


Multiplication is an easy way to count a lot of the same number. These slides show the five times table and the two times table.

Friday, 26 June 2020


L.I  to write an information report that informs the reader about an animals.

For writing we were learning about information report. First we picked our animals to do information report and find facts about our animals.

Example: A cobra has scales and different kind of colours on there scales and also have a oval head, Most cobras grow 6 foot long.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Light and Sound Vocabulary

First we had to match words from a list with the definition.We could use a dictionary to help us.

Next we did the draw, Act, Find and animate.

My group did prism for draw we did a rainbow and we also did a video of vibrating means moves back and fourth (shakes) very quickly.

I learnt specific meanings and actions by doing this activty.

L.I. To learn the vocabulary of light and sound.


Thursday, 11 June 2020

Geometric Masking art

This week I did Geometric Masking art first I needed to have some ideas for the shapes then I used a rectangle as a tape then I frame my drawing and I used colour combos to get the colours I wanted.

After that I used paper and tape and pastels first I framed my paper with the tape. Then I used the tape to shape the paper and when I finished with the tape I used the pastels to colour it and the tape made it straight.When I finished colouring with the pastels I took off the tape carefully then I was done.

LI: to create geometric art by using masking technique.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

South Pacific Beats

There was a Welington designer name Rachel Hall after many versions Rachel setteled on her final designer she called it a pato - Tongan to strike something.

Pato can be played live without electricty but the additon of a micorphone means it can also be hooked up to a computer and recorded. Musicians can then use software to remix the sound and add dightal effects , such as reverb or delay.

L.I. To read. understand and recall the article South Pacific Beats.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Light and Sound

L.I. To demonstrate prior knowledge.

For this inquiry we had to show our prior knowledge.

 We needed to find 20 images. 

Then I put it in the conner after that  I  connect it to light or sound. 
After that I explained why I know these creates light because its bright and it has differnt kind of colours.                                                     

Wednesday, 20 May 2020


L.I. To identfiy mistakes in a sentence.

For writing we became sentence detectives our job was to find mistakes in sentence and fix them. 
 For example: The bouy went to get some flower he could bake a cake?
There is Wrong homephones x2 and it's missing a fanboy wrong use of a question mark.

A capital letter means names , Place , Month ,

A full stop is a period and it's used at a complete thought.

A fanboy mean's a conjuction of For , And , Nor ,But , Or , Yet ,

A homephone is a word pronounced the same as another but differnt in meaning whether spelled the same same way or not.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Grouping in ten

Today I did a Grouping in tens we have to group ten objects and count in tens.                                                     

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Descriptive Writing

Today I did Descriptive writting. I had to describe the picture then. I said The farmer feed his animals the he heard the new their is gona be a storm and it happend.

Fact find

Today I did a fact find about Lorde I did a introduction of her and facts hope you will enjoy it


Today I played a Acvity called protec.

Monday, 30 March 2020


Today I did a activty called prototech it is like maths whill you anwser the eqeations they are timeing you then when you finsh you get certificate.

Comment Thread

Today I commented on Elaario's Blog I told him good job on your time tables and then I said do you like maths.

Descriptive Writing

Today I did Descriptive Writing I have to describe the picture then I say it on my comment.

Fact Find

Today I did a fact find about Zac Efron and here is some facts about him.

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Basic facts boxes

This week I did my basic facts boxes. I only did my audition it took me 4 minutes and 57 seconds.

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Descriptive Writing

L.I. to describe using interesting language features
This week I have described this messy room.

Friday, 27 March 2020

SSR Selfie

For SSR Selfie I read a book about The hula Hoopin Queen. This story is about Miss Adeline Birthday cake. The main Characters are Jamara ,Adeline ,Kameeka. I didn't have book so I went to Story Online

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Comment Thread

L.I. Comment on someone's blog

Today I commented on Annah blog I told her what a interesting about Kobe Bryant I also asked her do you like Basketball?

Thursday, 19 March 2020


L.I. To create a tessellation from 2D shapes.

A tessellation is an form of pattern used by 2D shapes. In a tessellation is 2D shapes in a repeated order.

In this example the repeated shape is squares.

The repeated colours are yellow, Orange and purple.

You can also use different 2D shapes to tessellate just like triangles, Octagons and rumbas.

First Waka

Originally there were no people in New Zealand.The first people to settle in New Zealand come in a series of waka.

The first ten waka were named Atoea , Tokomaru , Urao.

Most of the waka visited the North Island.Some of the places the waka landed at were Tom Bowling bay , Turanganui.

The ten waka came to New Zealand to discover new lands for people to live.

L.I Early Exploration

Friday, 13 March 2020


What is a Compound sentence

This week we extend our sentences understanding to what is a compound sentence.

First we watched a video showing how a compound sentence is 2 thoughts on a subject joined with a conjunction.

Next we learnt that fanboys are conjunction to join sentences. It stands for ( For ,and ,nor ,but ,or ,yet

We then tested our understanding by recording mixed up sentences.

I have created this DLO which I hope helps your understanding.


KiwiCan was about listening.
We played 'bop the cone' to practice for instructions.

We also played 'Chinese whispers' to practise listening and hearing information.

I thought Chinese whispers was a good way to practise your listening skills.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Early New Zealand Exploration

Kupe and Cook are two important exploers in New Zealand history.

Kupe came to New Zealand in the 1100's and he came to New Zealand to start a new life and to find  lands for his people.  He flowed the octopus.

Captain Cook came to New Zealand in the 6 October 1769 Cook came because he wanted to map new Zealand. He followed a octopus and his navigator was Tupaia 

Kupe is important because he was the first document person in New Zealand.Cook is important because he mapped New Zealand and opened it up to the world to access.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Explorers and Adventures

Explorers and Adventures are people who travel and discover new things.

Explorers are people who travel to find new things and record them for the community such as Sir Edmund Hilary,Peter Blake,Captain James Cook,Mona.

Adventures are people who travel to take part in something for them selves such a David Livingstone.                                                                                                                                                   

Explorers and Adventures need to have or show many different attitudes and attributes.
Such as Co-operative because when every body takes apart and has an even role to complete a task or a job.

Both explores and adventures travel to new places and need similar places qualities although their goals are different.

Thursday, 5 March 2020


L.I. to comment on other's work
In class I commented on Rosalili blog.I liked her basic facts. Also I asked
her do you like doing maths in your spare time.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Counting on

Today in class we did maths equations. Then we made our own equation on a slide and added a story problem where we had to explain how we solved it. I also did a practise of answering the questions on the right side.

Illegal & Legal Images

A legal  image is an image that can be used with permission by law.

Image creates give legal permission to use their images by adding a sharing license

It is important to use legal images to help creators and so users don't get in trouble.

One way of finding legal images is to make sure that they are free.

L.I.  to understand what legal and illegal images are.