Tuesday, 17 August 2021


First I thought of which topic and argument should I do then my argument was kids should pick their own subjects at school. I made a document fill in my ideas of why kids should pick their own subjects at school

Next I wrote done my reasons and said why kids should be able to pick their own subjects and I got websites that are like  my arguments. I also wrote a lot reasons and I put the link next to my reasons and facts

Last I did was searched for more websites and I wrote down more reasons, and facts I put my reasons next to the website where I got that information.

I enjoyed this because we get to do argument on what we agree on and what should stop or do around the world this was fun to do add more facts do a topic that is easier.

Synthesis & QAR | Fun Fantasitc Fabulous Fitness

I learnt how to do a QAR about fun, fantastic fabulous fitness.

First we read an article about fun, fantastic fabulous fitness, the text was about fitness and sports.

Then we did a template of syntheis in the first box you have to write what you just learnt, the second box we wrote a new information, the last box I wrote why we agree.

After we did a last task of the QAR test we need to put the questions in the right box once were done we right our own awnsers for the questions and we also need to say why we think that.
I enjoyed this task because I learnt new information and what's good for our body.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Party Popper Design

My group gryffindor designed a party popper

First our group discussed to each other for how are we going to design our party popper. Then we got our materials that we need for our design. The materials the we got was a rubber band, paper cup, glitter stickers, tooth pick

Next we used the glitter stickers for the inside. We also used a tooth pick for our stopper and we used a long rubber band. we made a hole through the cup to put the tooth pick as a stopper for our rubber band.

Last my group tested the party popper to see if it worked and it was a success. 

I enjoyed this because I learnt how to make a party popper and I also learnt new things.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

HPE /Balancing

 This week for HPE we played frisbee while balancing.

 First activty we did was passing our frisbree to our partners.

Next activty we did was our partner needs to throw the frisbee, the other person who does not have a frisbee has to run and jump before it drops on the floor.

After we split into two teams and we played a game and we have to pass the frisbee to the people that are in your team and try to throw it in the net to get a point.

I enjoyed this because I learnt how to throw the frisbee and learnt new skills.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


 In partnership with our community our values are condensed down wirh C.A.R.E 

Confidence We have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others, we are focussed on our futures. 

Attitude We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and how we participate in all opportunities.

Respect We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our enviornment. 

Excellence and inavation We set ourselves challenging goals, Share ideas, and think about our learning. 

While during HPE in group B was not listening to the instructions,they were told what they were supose to do.

These values are important because they teach people how to be a better person, It could change their bad behavior and it will make them follow the rules.


Wednesday, 2 June 2021


This week we did sports actvities that had to do with balancing.

First activty we did was tennis for that activty you need to balance on one leg and the person with the tennis racket will need to hit the ball gently.

Next we did hockey for that activty you need to balance on one leg and the person will roll the ball, with your hockey stick you need to stop it then roll it back.

After we did egg and spoon for that activty balance on one leg and while doing the spoon has to touch the ground, use all your power for that activty because you'll need to go back up with one leg.

Later we did soccer ball for that activty you need to balance the ball on your head without making it fall, you also have to alot of power while this because the ball could fall easily.

Lastly we did volleyball the person will balance on one leg, then the person would need to dig the ball back and set it back too.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Simple Machines

Did you know there are three simple machines that help people build and work faster, which are pulley, wheel and axle, screw.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Kitchen Iteams

We did an activity about the kitchen.

First I found 10 pictures that are in a pictue and put them in a google draw.

Then I used Maori dictonary to label the items.

After we went on the mat and learnt a new sentence which is kei penei i te buka buka, that mean the pen is on the book.

I enjoyed this activty because I learnt a new sentence.


This week we did activities that has to do with balancing.

First activty we did were fribsi for that activty you need to balance on one leg then pass the fribsi from your side.

Then the second activty we did basketball for that acctivty you need to balance on one leg then if you wanted to make it more challenging you could dribble the ball then throw the ball to your partener.

After that for the thrid activty we did netaball and for that you need to just pass the ball around to your partner or group.
For the fourth activty you need to balance on one leg then we did netball you need to pass the ball to your partner or your group.

Lastly we did hockey for that activty you balance on one leg and someone will roll the ball then you need to hit it without falling.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021


Calenders show us the day, week or month.

There are 12 months in the year they are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August 

Months have 28, 30, or 31 days.

There are number patterns on a calendar by looking for four conecting day for exmaple 20, 60, 100,

Knowing before and after number sequance and 7 timestables helps us reading a calendar

Wednesday, 19 May 2021


 I learned how to tell people to pass something on their left or right.

First we revised the 3 differnt words again tenei means by me, tena means over there, tera means way over there.

Then we learnt a new sentence "Hoatu te turu kei te taha maui". That means to pass the chair to your left.

I enjoyed this because I learnt a new sentecne and new words.

Friday, 14 May 2021


This week I learnt about prepostions in Maori.

The prepostions that we learnt were tenei, tena, and tera.

For example he pene tenei means the pen by me, pene tena means the pen is there, pene tera means the pen over there.

I enjoyed this because it was easy to say these words and fun learning it.

Simple Machines

This week my group and I went a look around to find 6 simple machines in our school.

Lever is used for lift or carrying heavy objects.

Wedge can be used to stop a door from closing.

Inclined plane is used for people to go up a hill.

Wheel and axel is used for to move things around for example: wheel and axel helps the rubbish bin move.

Pulley is used to pull the flag up.

These machines will help people build and work faster.

LI: to identify the six simple machines used in real life.

Thursday, 13 May 2021


Manners are use when showing respect to people.

Always use manners if someone holds the door always say thank you or if need to go through say exscuse me.

We use manners so we show people how we use manners and showing respect.

                                 This video shows always do eye contact and greet them.

                                            This video shows always ask if need something.
                              This video show if someone holds a door always say thank you.

Problem Solving

Today we did problem solving about time.

First we figured out the awnsers to the problems. 

Then we talk about how did we figure it out. 

After we all discused if we got the awnsers right.

This was hard because I got confused with the minute hand and the hour hand.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


We did balancing activties. We took arange of photos. 

The first photo was showing a group of people balanceing on a bench.

The second picture shows the person is balanceing on the playground equipment.

The third picture shows that they are trying to balance together and not fall.

The fourth picture shows that the person on top is balanceing and trying not to fall.

The fifth picture shows that the group is helping the person on top to balance.

This was very hard because it was hard to help the person balance

Friday, 7 May 2021


Group B has learnt about balancing.

We talked about which of our body parts or postions that you could balance on.

Then we tried a bench activty we had 2 teams we had 2 people from each team to go on the bench the point of that was we have to go pass each other and if we fall you have to restart.

Last I did a football activty I had to try and balance on the ball while I holding on to 2 people. When I feel like I can balance my own I let go.

I need to get better at balancing on differnt parts of my body.

Thursday, 6 May 2021


Analog Time

 Analog clocks are a pice of technolgy that help tell time.

A clock has three mechainsm. The second hand moves around the clock the fastest the minute hand is the longest and moves when the second hand comppleter one rotation of the minute hand is one hour. The hour hand moves the slowest and moves between the bing numbers.

An analog clock requires you to look outside to know if it is morning or afternoon.

Simple Machines

Simple Machines are used tools for building and for carrying heavy materials, moving heavy materials. The six simple machines are used to make work more easier.

The screw is used to hold materials.

The lever is used for to carry heavy materials

The inclined plane is used for to lift heavy materials.

The wheel axle is used for to move heavy materials.

The lever is used for to lift or cary heavy materials.

The wedge is used for push materials apart.

The pulley is used for building and carying heavy materials very high and to the ground.

These machines are good for buliding and carying heavy materials

Wednesday, 5 May 2021


This week I learnt classroom questions.

First one was Kua Marama means do you understand? 

The second question was Kua Mutu means Finshed/Finshed?

These questions were easy to understand but hard to say the questions and I will keep on practiseing until I say it right.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Marc Duffy

Marc is a Duffy role model and he has done big achievements.

Marc learnt the trade of a builder and owned his own business.

He also went to prison because he got involved with people that did bad stuff but while he was at prison he learnt how to read.

He was also a New Zealand boxing lightweight champ. Then he worked for Bunnings fitting out their stores. Now he is manages the largest store in New Zealand, which is in Hamilton.

Then he went back university become a counselor now he is a Duffy role model and he inspires people.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Public vs Private Information

Public information is sharing something on the whole internet and private information is sharing something to trusted people.

Information can be public or private.

Public information is sharing thing online that are appropriate and harmless.

Private information should be kept private because if private information is not kept it could be stolen or leaked online.

LI: to differentiate between public and private information.

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Character Trait

Character Trait is using describeing words about the character. 

In the story the Highway Rat there are 3 character we can infer about.
For example: The duck was very clever when she told the highway rat the she had a sister that had treats in the cave.

The duck was clever because if she didn't tell the highway rat to go inside the cave he would've kept on stealing more of the villagers food.

The duck had a idea so she took the highway rat horse to bring back all of the villagers food.

Adjectives can tell you more then one word for example: Nice, kind, gentle, friendly

Character trait is important because it describes what that character does and what it acts like.


Wednesday, 7 April 2021


Multipication is a fast way of using the same number many times. The two, five, and ten times tables are examples of multipication.

The two times tables are mulitplying two by a number of groups. 

The five times tables are mulitplying five by a number of groups.

The ten times tables are mulitplying ten by a number of groups.

The times tables are an easy way to remeber basic multipication equations. The next times tables to learn are the three, four, and six times tables.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Facts or opinions

This week I did a fact or opinions about the book highway rat.

First I wrote facts that happened in the book to 1 of the characters.

After I wrote opinions about the duck based on the facts.

Then I typed five adjectives to describe the traits of the character.

I enjoyed this because I learnt what adjectives are.

Multiplication & Times Tables

This week we did multiplication and times tables.

First my group took a big group of beans of a unknown amount.

Then we split them into small groups then we counted the number of groups.

After we used multiplication to figure out the unknown amount that is 45.

I enjoyed this because I learnt new times tables and learnt how group big numbers.


Friday, 26 March 2021

Americas Cup

My group and I found some articles about Americas Cup.

First we wrote about the main ideas about the Americas Cup. We sorted these in to what, who, when, where, and why.

Then we wrote down 20 important words from the text. Then we chose 6 important words and put all the words into a sentence to summarise the information.

After my group and I all did evaluating slide then I wrote interesting facts that I have learnt on the last one I wrote what was my questions after reading about the Americas Cup.

These 3 strategies are useful because they could help you with remembering things or using your own ideas that you use.

The Highway Rat

Visualisation is creating pictures in your head. This helps understands what we read.

Highway rat is about a rat who is greedy and steals everyone's food. He learns a lesson and everyone lives happily.

My visualisation is different to others because I did not used all of the space but others used all of their space.

We have different visualisation because we draw from what we think and not coping others.

Place Value & Saying Numbers

Place Value is a system that groups number based on their size.

The position of a digit  determiners its value.When we say numbers we group then within the same house.For example 15709 has fifteen thousands, seven hundreds and nine ones.

Understanding our base 10 place value system allows us to pronounce big numbers properly. It also allows us to identify numbers before and after.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Mihi Whakatau

Mihi Whakatau is a Maori term for formal greeting.

Mihi Whakatau is traditionally used for welcoming, introductions and openings.It is undertaken by the Tangata Whenua (local inhabitants) The Mihi needs to acknowledge the significant aspects to the place. The Maunga (mountain), Awa (river) and Iwi (tribe) are generally used.

Introducing Ingoa (name), Oku tipuna (ancestor place) and where you live is important for the audience to understand the position of the speaker. 

Manuhiri is the term used to describe or group the visitors that are being welcomed. It is important to end with warm welcome so the visitors know that there is no hostility in 2 groups being together.

Being respectful of the land, the people and the purpose of a visit will ensure long lasting relationships and the connections.

Friday, 12 March 2021

SSR Selfie - Art

 I read 4 pages of Art by Caroline Grimshaw.

In the book Art is a collection of idea's produced by human skill, imagination and invention. Artists share their ideas by making or selecting pictures, sounds and words to create an art form. In Western cultures, two of the main types of visual art are painting and sculpture. Other countries have their own art traditions.

I enjoyed this book because I learnt facts from this book. I would like to try doing a sculpture.

LI: to summarise and retell a text.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I tried the speed demon challenge up to 5. 

It took me 10 minutes and 5 seconds to finish my basic facts I got 100/100 right.

I also need to practise more and I will try to type faster.

Print Design Rules

I learned about the Print Design Rules.

First Mr.Wong taught us about the main aspects of the Print Design Rules, colour, layout, text, composition.

Next, I figured out which posters were good and bad with my partners.

Last I reorganised a poster to make it look good.


I practised my handwriting to improve my writing neatness. 

First I watched the two videos to see how to write.

Then I wrote the whole alphabet and then I wrote the numbers.

After that I wrote my symbols.

I have to improve on my p and m.

AFL Training

Group A and B did AFL training with our coaches Jack and Mike.

First we went to the field and our coach Mike told us a skill so we have to use our hand that we write with and turn into a fist and our other hand into a plate.

Then Mike showed us how to kick the ball, make sure one x from the ball is looking up and the other x from the ball looking down then make sure the laces are not looking at your face and the laces faces at your partner. He also told us make your hand into a M and hold it on the ball.

Lastly we played octopus. Then we played smash the teachers and I have to practise on kicking the ball.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

LS1's Treaty

 LS1 learnt about the 3 P's in the Treaty of Waitangi and how they apply to our learning.

First Mr. Ogilvie introduced the 3 P's in the Treaty Waitangi. They are Protection, Partnership, Participation. 

Then in groups we wrote statements about the three p's in LS1. LS1 figured out the 3 P's are all connected.

After that we used our group ideas and thought about how they connected to me.

I chose these three p's because they are going to help me of what I need to do in class.

Monday, 8 March 2021


I went on Prototec to learn new basic facts.

First I did stage 6 I got 100 wrong and my addition and subtraction to 20 were some wrong and right. 

Then my last one was to 2, 3, 5, 10, and those one's I also got some right and wrong.

I need to practise all of my basic facts so I could be more faster.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

SSR Selfie - Bad Guys

 I read two chapters of Bad guys by Aaron Blabey.

This book is about  Bad guys rescuing their friend Mr.Wolf from turning into a big bad wolf. They kept on trying to get him to calm him down. Then their friend agent fox saw Mr.wolf she tried to clam him down but he got even more angrier then he grabbed her into his hands. 

Then her friends saw that she was about be eaten so then Joy the bird took Mr. Snake then he went inside Mr.wolf ear and he tried hypnotized to calm him down. After their was a alien in Mr.Wolfs other side of the ear and that's why Mr.Wolf have destroyed the city.

I enjoyed this activty because you learn new words.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Basic Facts Sheet

I made a copy of google sheets and created my number bonds.

My group and I also used uni link cubes for our number bonds in case we get some answers wrong.

Then I did my number bonds up to 10 I also did my number bonds to 20.

Next I created a google sheet to record out results.

Later on I also Learnt  new shortcuts such as Ctrl C and Ctrl V so we could work faster.

I really like this because I got learn new shortcuts from cyber smart and I learnt number bonds.

LI: to learn number bonds and doubles.

NUMBER BOND: the pairs of numbers that add up to a given number.

DOUBLE: a number added to itself. A number multiplied by 2.