Tuesday, 26 May 2020

South Pacific Beats

There was a Welington designer name Rachel Hall after many versions Rachel setteled on her final designer she called it a pato - Tongan to strike something.

Pato can be played live without electricty but the additon of a micorphone means it can also be hooked up to a computer and recorded. Musicians can then use software to remix the sound and add dightal effects , such as reverb or delay.

L.I. To read. understand and recall the article South Pacific Beats.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Light and Sound

L.I. To demonstrate prior knowledge.

For this inquiry we had to show our prior knowledge.

 We needed to find 20 images. 

Then I put it in the conner after that  I  connect it to light or sound. 
After that I explained why I know these creates light because its bright and it has differnt kind of colours.                                                     

Wednesday, 20 May 2020


L.I. To identfiy mistakes in a sentence.

For writing we became sentence detectives our job was to find mistakes in sentence and fix them. 
 For example: The bouy went to get some flower he could bake a cake?
There is Wrong homephones x2 and it's missing a fanboy wrong use of a question mark.

A capital letter means names , Place , Month ,

A full stop is a period and it's used at a complete thought.

A fanboy mean's a conjuction of For , And , Nor ,But , Or , Yet ,

A homephone is a word pronounced the same as another but differnt in meaning whether spelled the same same way or not.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Grouping in ten

Today I did a Grouping in tens we have to group ten objects and count in tens.